9.15am: HP project briefing by Mr David Chong for those doing Methadone or Cannabies. Briefing will be held at the meeting room between AAD and Finance Dep.
10.30am: Briefing by Mr. Hira, MSL's travel agent about UK visa application in SR5. Mainly for MQs.
11.45pm: Comp. Meds Essay briefing is for everyone.
12.45pm: Dispensing exam briefing by Ms. July Lee in LT2
and HP Workshop briefing by Mr. Keivan
2) IMU Alumni::
3) Planned Maintenance - Core Switch Network Upgrade::
ITS will be doing a Network Upgrade for it existing Core Switch to the New Core Switch.
Due to this upgrade,
All ITS services will be unavailable.
Although ITS Dept have taken all possible precautions,
we cannot deny that there are risks higher than in normal operations and would recommend that all staff take the necessary measures to prepare for this maintenance period.
The following are the details of the Planned Maintenance window period:
Planned Maintenance Start Date : 7th May 2010 (Friday)
Planned Maintenance Start Time : 06:30 pm
Planned Maintenance End Date : 7th May 2010 (Friday)
Planned Maintenance End Time : 09:30 pm
We apologize in advance for any possible inconvenience this may cause.Thankshttp://www.imu.edu.my/
4) MAlaysian Unity Project::

Hi, my name is Colin from M208,
To All Malaysians Students!
Are you a registered voter?
how bout your parents, brothers, sisters and friends who are of age (21 years old).
If you've answered NO , this is your chance to exercise your right as citizen of our country and do your part and become a registered voter.
All year long E.P.I.C (Extraordinary People Impacting Community) a youth outreach program by Growing Emerging Leaders(GEL) will be running a campaign known as Voice Your Choice, with an aim to hit 2 million new registered voters by the end of 2010. You can find out more at dosomethingepic.net !
However this weekend will be the official nationwide launch, and you can get yourself registered at following locations throughout Malaysia
1. KL
-Bangsar Shopping Center
2. Selangor
-Subang Parade
-1 Utama
-Gurney Plaza
-Prangin Mall, Tanjong
-Gurney Plaza, Bukit Bendera
-Queensbay Mall
-Giant Bayan Baru
-Bukit Jambul Complex
-Tesco Penang
-Tesco Kulai
-Jusco, Bukit Indah
So come down to the nearest booth, or tell any of your friends and family back home to head on down to register yourself as a voter!
We're also looking for volunteers to help at the booths and to spread the word out as much as possible (via blogs, FB status updates and tweets).
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please do contact Colin Quah , at colin@dosomethingepic.net .
Please do remember however that Voice your Choice is created by youths for ALL Malaysians.
This is not about PR or BN or any political parties,
This is not about overthrowing the government,
This is where our faiths unite regardless of religion or race
This is about uniting all Malaysians for Malaysia.
Thank you so much for your time , really appreciate it, and please do spread the word and head on down yourself to get registered!
6) Week 4 Timetable changes::
12th May 2010, Wednesday, The HP lecture by SIA has been cancelled.
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