Hello everyone, I'm Abdul Karim, Project Director for m207 Malaysian Studies Project would like to request your help to announce this to your batchmates. We're currently recruiting people from every batches possible to join our Fashion Show events that is held in conjuction with our project. We hope to get at least one representative from your batch. Hopefully, you can inform your batchmates about this and also put up this announcements to our batch blog. The details are as follows and the application form is attached to this email. Thank you so much and your help is really appreciated!!
Dreaming of becoming Amber Chia or Carmen Soo???
Now, your dream may come true. Attention, all supermodel-wanna-bes!! In conjunction with M2/07 Malaysian Studies Project, “Malaysia Road to 2009”, a fashion show will be held on 20th August. All the models will have the chance to show-case attire from renowned fashion retailers and receive hair-styling as well as make-up from the experts. So, what are you waiting for? It is once-in-a-lifetime chance that you might not have. For more information, refer to the application form and what you need to do is just to fill in the application forms attached and e-mail it to the e-mail addresses below before 23rd July 2009:
Jyun Jyh- jynx87@yahoo.com.my
Wei Ming- ming5275@yahoo.com
Lo Yen- rainnie_yen@hotmail.com
Application Form
Rules & Regulations
The recruitment drive is open to all IMU students.
The recruitment drive aims to recruit potential models for our fashion show which is held in conjunction with the upcoming Malaysian Studies project “Malaysia Road To 2009” organized by the M207 Malaysian Studies student on 20 August 2009 (Thurs)
The participants will have the chance to show-case clothes, accessories, footwear, etc. from well-known fashion retailers.
The participants will also have the opportunity to receive free hairstyling and makeup from our experts.
Attractive Prizes are up for grab.
All students who are interested are required to register their names by filling up the form available at The Ground Floor near the escalator. Our committee members will collect the forms at the same place on 7 Aug 2009.
Personal details such as full name, age, gender, race, student ID No., contact no., email address, height, body figure (chest, waist and hip circumferences, e.g., 31, 27, 33 inches) and size of shoes are required. A 4R size (from top to toe) individual photo must also be attached.
Incomplete and inaccurate forms will be disqualified.
Submitted photos are not returnable
The models will be modelling 2 types of clothing - traditional and modern – prepared by our sponsors on the day of the fashion show (20 August 2009, 12:30-1:30pm)
The closing date of the application form submission: 7 Aug 2009
All the models’ details and photos may be used by the sponsors’ for any commercial promotional purpose.
Should there be any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.( Jyun Jyh 017-3103634, Wei Ming 012-2734149, Lo Yen 017-8616800)
Full Name: _____________________________________________________
Gender: ________ Age: _________ Race: ___________________
Contact No.: ____________________ Email Address: ___________________
Student ID No.: ___________________________ Height: _______________
Body figure (chest, waist and hip circumferences, e.g., 31, 27, 33 inches):
____________________________( for convenience of the sponsors)
Size of Shoes: _________
A 4R size (from top to toe) individual photo must also be attached.
Welcome to the world of supermodels!!!
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