Thursday, May 21, 2009


Dear P109,
I am writing this because Ms. Sarina(the lady from AAD who is in charge of our batch) complained to me today that she received many phone calls from fellow P109-ers asking her for their EOS 1 results.

If all of you had read the sms/email/blog post I wrote, I specifically said, "If you can't go to IMU today, you can give a call to your tutor to get the results.."

PS:I know some of you tried calling your tutors but either they could not be reached or they didn't receive the results yet.

What I need all of you to do is to rummage through that stack of books we received on Day 1 of orientation. You will find a green handbook titled "Information for MPharm Students".

Page 2: tells you the use of the book!

Page 9: Tells you the role of AAD and almost all the answers to the frequently asked questions/queries by most of you!

Page 41: Shows the Academic Session so you all will know when the next semester starts!

If you do have time, you can flip through the other pages. Who knows you might find out about things you never knew....

Well, I hope I have filled in the loop holes many of you have and hopefully, I get no more complaints from A.A.D.

Happy holidays, and see ya next sem!!


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